Saturday, July 28, 2018

Summa' Summa' Summaaahhh time!

So its (a little more than) half way through the summer and I have done absolutely nothing productive. How great is that?!

There have been a couple big things that have happened since school let out but none of which actually required work on my end. . 
1. Got my first round of botox for this stupid daily headache I have had since February. I've had no sense its been working but I have to wait until/after the next round to really see.

2. I turned 33. I have not been celebrating my birthday recently because it never turns out the way I would want and I always end up super depressed. However, this year I decided to give in and do something fun. I went out to breakfast with Rachel and her little one Lily. Then I went out to dinner with my family at trivia night at Brion's Grill. It was hard! But I think we did ok over all... at least we weren't last. 


Evan 💗💗💗

Evan Christopher was born on July 9th at a whopping 10lbs and 22 inchs. I dont know how my poor sister in law carried him that last month. 

He is so cute and our whole family is already obsessed with him.

Not to shabby of a summer so far and with a few fun things left to do I'm looking forward to the rest of it.